You may be weighing the pros and cons of your relationship – analyzing all of the good things your partner has done and all the times he has hurt you. You may be remembering the good moments at the beginning of your relationship and hoping that he will be that sweet, caring man once again. Or you may be holding on to your hope of a future together, and fulfilling dreams of commitment, marriage, children, or growing old together. But, you are also likely confused by the bad times – the times you laid awake at night crying and wondering what to do.
The fact is that you can make pro and con lists all day, talk with every friend you know, and call psychic hotlines for advice, but there’s only one way to truly know whether you are in the right relationship. Ask yourself this question, and be honest with yourself: How does he make you feel?
Do you feel happy with him on most days? When you know you are going to see him, do you feel nervous and anxious, or excited and relaxed?
If you live together, how do you feel on your way home? Are you excited to settle into his arms? Or are you nervous about how he may react?
Does he make you cry more than he makes you smile? Do you feel like you can be yourself with him, without having to hide things or behave a certain way so that you won’t upset him?
Don’t focus only on the highlight reel of your relationship. Think about how you feel with him overall, day-to-day. No one is happy every day, and no relationship is perfect.