If you are reading this, you’ve probably already suspected that your relationship may have some issues. You may have spotted red flags and started to wonder whether your partner is right for you. It can be hard to realize, and to admit, that someone we are dating is not the right person for us – and especially that they’re toxic – after we’ve invested time and love into the relationship. But, being able to recognize unhealthy and toxic behavior can help you make a more informed decision about what is best for you moving forward.
Here are five signs that the person you are dating is toxic:
1. When you argue, they try to win, not solve the situation. And not only do they try to win, they will blame you and try to tear you down. They may make you feel badly about bringing up a situation at all. And they may bring up issues from your past, or things that happened previously in the relationship, to attack you and make the argument all your fault. Their goal is not to move past the conflict and make your relationship stronger, it is to win, to tear you down, and to make themselves more powerful.